Table of Contents

Nacelle Cover and Aerodynamics

In Bladed, the wind turbine nacelle is simulated as a rectangular 3D box that attracts wind loading. The dimensions of the NacelleCover are given as Width, Length and Height as illustrated in Figure 1. The CentreOfPressure is the application point of the aerodynamic drag force computed using the provided CoefficientOfDrag and the projected NacelleCover area, see the nacelle windage loads theory article for more details.

Example of a populated NacelleCover:

"NacelleCover": {
    "Width": 10.0,
    "Length": 12.8,
    "Height": 10.0,
    "CentreOfPressure": {
        "X": 0.0,
        "Y": 0.0,
        "Z": 5.462
    "CoefficientOfDrag": 0.6

Figure 1

Figure 1: Diagram illustrating the NacelleCover properties and the CentreOfPressure position in the proximal coordinate system of the DrivetrainAndNacelle component. Shown for an upwind configured turbine.