Results differences between Bladed Next Gen and Bladed 4.x
Bladed has undergone a major transformation on the input deck from the old style Bladed project file $PJ into the new format JSON. This accommodates a consistent input convention across all parameters in the Bladed simulation, making it easier to understand the intention of each variable. A full description of the json schema is given in JSON Schema.
Alongside this change Bladed now reads all numeric input parameters in double precision, whereas older Bladed versions had a restriction to single precision for certain parameters.
On the engineering side Bladed Next Gen adopts a new concept for defining the blade sections. The coordinates of the axes concerning aerodynamics and structural dynamics are now given in full 3D representation. These give the users a higher degree of freedom in designing the blade according to the adopted standard.
These changes can lead to minor result differences when comparing Bladed Next Gen to older Bladed version. Therefore comprehensive tests have been carried out to ensure the quality of Bladed Next Gen, as a software as well as its engineering results.
In general the results between Bladed Next Gen and older versions are expected to be very similar, provided that the simulation configuration has been correctly ported to the new input format. It is therefore recommended to upgrade simulations using the Bladed Next Gen Upgrader.
The tests shown here compare results of simulations performed in an older Bladed version with results of their upgraded counterpart run in Bladed Next Gen. The simulation upgrade has been done with the Bladed Next Gen Upgrader.
Steady Operational Loads compared to Bladed 4.16
Figure 1 shows a comparison of some important signals for a simulation of type Steady Operational Loads. The maximum relative error over all signals shown occurs in the pitch angle with a value of 0.1915%.
Comparison against Bladed 4.x for aerodynamic information calculations
The Aerodynamic information calculation is performed in a steady state environment without considering dynamic stall and dynamic wake effects. In Bladed Next Gen this assumption is automatically enforced by disabling the dynamic wake and dynamic stall of the aerodynamics module.
Users trying to emulate this behaviour in Bladed 4.x have to manually disable dynamic stall as well as set the dynamic wake model to Equilibrium wake in the Aerodynamics Control panel of the User Interface. These choices are not enforced by the simulation software in Bladed 4.x.