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The properties for the structural modelling of the blade using modal reduction.

  • BladeModellingType: string = ModalBladeModelling
  • GeometricStiffnessModel: string = AxialLoadsOnly | FullModelWithOrientationCorrection | InternalLoadsOnly | Disabled
  • IgnoreAxesOrientationDifferencesForShear: boolean
  • WholeBladeModeDampingRatios: array[object (StructuralMode)]
  • NumberOfModesPerBladePart: integer

A type of BladeModelling


GeometricStiffnessModel: string, optional

The geometric stiffness model to use for the blades. For blades with 1 part, the "axial loads only" model is recommended. This configuration is only appropriate for relatively stiff blades, undergoing small deflection. For more flexible blade models, a multi-part blade model is more appropriate. In this case, the "full with orientation correction" is the recommended option, as long as deflection remains small within each blade part.

default = AxialLoadsOnly

IgnoreAxesOrientationDifferencesForShear: boolean, optional

With this option selected, the effect of orientation difference between the neutral axis and shear axis on the blade elements are not taken into account. Please refer to the Bladed documentation "Bend-twist coupling in Bladed beam elements" doc No. 110052-UKBR-T-30 for further information.

default = False

BladeModellingType: string

Defines the specific type of BladeModelling model in use. For a ModalBladeModelling object, this must always be set to a value of ModalBladeModelling.

WholeBladeModeDampingRatios: array[ object (StructuralMode) ]

List of known whole-blade mode damping ratios. If the list is incomplete, meaning it lacks damping ratios for all modes, Bladed will assign frequency-proportional damping based on the damping ratio of the highest defined mode. The list must contain at least one entry.

NumberOfModesPerBladePart: integer, optional

The number of modes used to represent each blade part, or the whole blade if it is represented by a single multibody object. This should be sufficiently high to capture all of the relevant blade modes, but the higher it is the slower the simulation will become.

default = 4