Table of Contents


Any coupling terms between bending and torsion.

  • BendingXYCoupling: number (Nm/rad)
  • TorsionBendingXCoupling: number (Nm/rad)
  • TorsionBendingYCoupling: number (Nm/rad)


BendingXYCoupling: number (Nm/rad), optional

The coupling term between the bending about X and Y axes. This represents the off-diagonal term 'Cxy' in the constitutive matrix that defines the relationship between the applied forces and moments, and the strains.

default = 0.0

TorsionBendingXCoupling: number (Nm/rad), optional

The coupling term between the bending about X and Z axes. This represents the off-diagonal term 'Cxz' in the constitutive matrix that defines the relationship between the applied forces and moments, and the strains.

default = 0.0

TorsionBendingYCoupling: number (Nm/rad), optional

The coupling term between the bending about Y and Z axes. This represents the off-diagonal term 'Cyz' in the constitutive matrix that defines the relationship between the applied forces and moments, and the strains.

default = 0.0