Table of Contents


The common properties for the mechanical losses in the drivetrain.

  • ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque: array[object (ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque)]
  • ShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque: array[object (ShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque)]
  • ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss: array[object (ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss)]
  • ShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss: array[object (ShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss)]


ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque: array[ object (ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque) ], optional

A series of look-up tables for the losses, each valid for the specified shaft speed.

ShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque: array[ object (ShaftInputTorqueVsResistingTorque) ], optional

A look-up table for the losses, each valid for the specified input torque.

ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss: array[ object (ShaftSpeedVsShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss) ], optional

A series of look-up tables for the losses, each valid for the specified shaft rotational speed.

ShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss: array[ object (ShaftInputPowerVsPowerLoss) ], optional

A series of look-up tables for the losses, each valid for the specified shaft rotational speed.