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The frozen wake model keeps the induction velocity from the initial conditions, and doesn’t change the induction either during linearisation perturbations or in the time domain. In linearisation this lack of response can be a good approximation to the lagged dynamic wake response. The frozen wake approach is not appropriate in the time domain.

  • DynamicWakeType: string = FrozenWakeModel
  • AreaAveragingMethod: string = OVER_ANNULUS | NONE

A type of DynamicWake


AreaAveragingMethod: string, optional

With the "over annulus" method, the dynamic wake is calculated over the entire annular ring. Induced velocities are averaged over the number of blades. If "none" is selected, the annulus is divided into segments to which separate dynamic wakes are applied.

default = OVER_ANNULUS

DynamicWakeType: string

Defines the specific type of DynamicWake model in use. For a FrozenWakeModel object, this must always be set to a value of FrozenWakeModel.