Table of Contents


Defines a calculation which produces the aerodynamic parameters of the rotor in a steady flow, including local aerodynamic loading at each blade station. The rotor is modelled as being completely rigid in this calculation, without prebend and sweep. The rotor is analysed in isolation without any influence from the rest of the turbine structure.

  • SteadyCalculationType: string = AerodynamicInformation
  • HubWindSpeed: number (m/s)
  • PitchAngle: number (rad)
  • RotorSpeed: number (rad/s)
  • Outputs: object (SteadyCalculationOutputs)

A type of SteadyCalculation


SteadyCalculationType: string

Defines the specific type of SteadyCalculation model in use. For a AerodynamicInformation object, this must always be set to a value of AerodynamicInformation.

HubWindSpeed: number (m/s)

The wind speed at hub height.

PitchAngle: number (rad)

The pitch angle of all of the blades on the rotor or rotors.

RotorSpeed: number (rad/s)

The rotor speed to model during the calculation.

Outputs: object(SteadyCalculationOutputs)