BladeStabilityAnalysisIdling coming soon
Not supported yet
: string =BladeStabilityAnalysisModeOfOperationType
: number (rad)PitchAngle
: object (VelocityRange)WindSpeedRange
: number (rad)TorqueSpeedGain
A type of BladeStabilityAnalysisModeOfOperation
: number (rad), optionalcoming soon
The constant pitch angle used in both parked and free spin case. This value is only used for blade stability analysis and not for model linearisation or Campbell diagram. Blade set angle or pitch angle imbalances are ignored, and any pitch limits are not used.
default = 0.0
: object(VelocityRange), optionalcoming soon
The range of wind speeds to consider.
: stringcoming soon
Defines the specific type of BladeStabilityAnalysisModeOfOperation model in use. For a Idling
object, this must always be set to a value of Idling
: number (rad)coming soon
Ratio of generator torque demand to square of rotor speed. A value of zero gives a free-spin scenario. A non-zero value applies an opposition torque proportional to the square of rotor speed, which balances the aerodynamic torque. This is also known as the "Optiman Mode Gain".
default = 0.0