Table of Contents

UserDefinedWaves coming soon

Not supported yet

A look-up table for a user-defined wave spectrum.

  • WavesType: string = UserDefined
  • DirectionOfApproachClockwiseFromNorth: number (rad)
  • RandomNumberSeed: integer
  • WaveDiffractionApproximation: object (a type of WaveDiffractionApproximation)
  • AdditionalConstrainedWave: object (AdditionalConstrainedWave)
  • FrequencyVsSpectralDensity: array[object (FrequencyVsSpectralDensity)]

A type of Waves


DirectionOfApproachClockwiseFromNorth: number (rad), optionalcoming soon

The bearing from which waves arrive at the turbine.

RandomNumberSeed: integer, optionalcoming soon

A arbitrary integer used to generate a realisation of the irregular waves. This ensures that the 'randomness' is consistent from simulation to simulation.

WaveDiffractionApproximation: object (a type of WaveDiffractionApproximation), optional coming soon

The definition of wave diffraction approximation options to account for diffraction effects at small wavelengths comparable to the size of the structure .

Can be any of the following types:

AdditionalConstrainedWave: object(AdditionalConstrainedWave), optionalcoming soon

The definition of additional constrained wave options to include a prescribed extreme wave at a particular time.

WavesType: stringcoming soon

Defines the specific type of Waves model in use. For a UserDefined object, this must always be set to a value of UserDefined.

FrequencyVsSpectralDensity: array[ object (FrequencyVsSpectralDensity) ]coming soon

List of FrequencyVsSpectralDensity