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UserDefinedWakeDeficit coming soon

Not supported yet

A simple model for the reduced velocity of the wind behind another turbine. This deficit will be applied across a certain region, and this region will not move around during the simulation. The velocity deficit profile is a look-up table of the radius against the deficit at that radius.

  • SteadyWakeDeficitType: string = UserDefined
  • HorizontalOffsetFromHub: number (m)
  • VerticalOffsetFromHub: number (m)
  • RadiusVsDeficit: array[object (RadiusVsDeficit)]

A type of SteadyWakeDeficit


HorizontalOffsetFromHub: number (m), optionalcoming soon

The horizontal (global Y) offset of the upwind turbine from the turbine being simulated.

VerticalOffsetFromHub: number (m), optionalcoming soon

The vertical (global Z) offset of the upwind turbine from the turbine being simulated.

SteadyWakeDeficitType: stringcoming soon

Defines the specific type of SteadyWakeDeficit model in use. For a UserDefined object, this must always be set to a value of UserDefined.

RadiusVsDeficit: array[ object (RadiusVsDeficit) ]coming soon

A list of radii vs the deficit at that radius. The first value should be at a radius of 0.0, and the largest radius will be the extent of the affected region. At this point, the deficit is usually 0.0.