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InitialPitchPosition coming soon

Not supported yet

The initial pitch angle of a pitch system. If all pitch systems have the same initial position, then AssemblyReference can be omitted.

  • InitialConditionType: string = InitialPitchPosition
  • OnComponentInAssembly: string
  • PitchAngle: number (rad)
  • MaintainInitialValueThroughoutSimulation: boolean

A type of InitialCondition


OnComponentInAssembly: string (AssemblyReference), optionalcoming soon

A reference to the component in the assembly to which this applies.

InitialConditionType: stringcoming soon

Defines the specific type of InitialCondition model in use. For a InitialPitchPosition object, this must always be set to a value of InitialPitchPosition.

PitchAngle: number (rad), optionalcoming soon

The pitch angle to use during initial conditions. If omitted, Bladed will attempt to determine a pitch angle that would achieve equilibrium. Once initial conditions have been determined and the simulation begins, this angle is subject to control changes.

MaintainInitialValueThroughoutSimulation: boolean, optionalcoming soon

If true, the pitch system will be prescribed to maintain whatever pitch angle was determined during initial conditions. This cannot be overcome by aerodynamic loads or other physical forces.

default = False