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TransducerFaultsVelocity coming soon

Not supported yet

  • ApplyOnlyToFirst: boolean
  • MiscalibrationOffset: number
  • InverseInstallation: boolean
  • FailTime: number (s)
  • FaultType: string = None | Noise | ToConstant | ConstantOffset | GrowingOffset | HarmonicOffset
  • NoiseMultiplier: number
  • FailureValue: number
  • FailureValueRampRate: number
  • ConstantOffset: number
  • GrowingOffset: number
  • Magnitude: number
  • Period: number (s)
  • MiscalibrationOffset: number (m/s)
  • FailureValue: number (m/s)
  • FailureValueRampRate: number (m/s²)
  • ConstantOffset: number (m/s)
  • GrowingOffset: number (m/s²)
  • Magnitude: number (m/s)


ApplyOnlyToFirst: boolean, optionalcoming soon

If true, the fault will be aplied only to the first instance of this transducer. If false, all sensors of this type will fail identically.

default = True

MiscalibrationOffset: number, optionalcoming soon

A constant value added to the sensor's output - for example, if the sensor had been incorrectly installed or poorly calibrated.

default = 0.0

InverseInstallation: boolean, optionalcoming soon

Whether the sensor was installed in reverse, resulting in its outputs being multiplied by -1.0.

default = False

FailTime: number (s), optionalcoming soon

The time at which any time-dependent failure occurs. This will be from the beginning of the simulation, and not from the start of logging. Please ensure that this time will equate to a period which is being clearly logged.

default = 0.0

FaultType: string, optionalcoming soon

What fault occurs at a specified time in the simulation.

default = None

NoiseMultiplier: number, optionalcoming soon

The factor by which the noise on the signal increases (or decreases) by.

default = 1.0

FailureValue: number, optionalcoming soon

The value which the sensor reverts to in the case of failure.

default = 0.0

FailureValueRampRate: number, optionalcoming soon

The rate at which the signal reverts to its fail value. A rate of 0.0 represents an instantaneous step change to the fail value.

default = 0.0

ConstantOffset: number, optionalcoming soon

The value by which the signal is offset by.

default = 0.0

GrowingOffset: number, optionalcoming soon

The rate at which the signal is deviating from its calibrated value.

default = 0.0

Magnitude: number, optionalcoming soon

The greatest magnitude of the harmonic interference from the 'true' value.

default = 0.0

Period: number (s), optionalcoming soon

The time period of the full sinusoidal interference pattern.

default = 1.0

MiscalibrationOffset: number (m/s), optionalcoming soon

A constant value added to the sensor's output - for example, if the sensor had been incorrectly installed or poorly calibrated.

default = 0.0

FailureValue: number (m/s), optionalcoming soon

The value which the sensor reverts to in the case of failure.

default = 0.0

FailureValueRampRate: number (m/s²), optionalcoming soon

The rate at which the signal reverts to its fail value. A rate of 0.0 represents an instantaneous step change to the fail value.

default = 0.0

ConstantOffset: number (m/s), optionalcoming soon

The value by which the signal is offset by.

default = 0.0

GrowingOffset: number (m/s²), optionalcoming soon

The rate at which the signal is deviating from its calibrated value.

default = 0.0

Magnitude: number (m/s), optionalcoming soon

The greatest magnitude of the harmonic interference from the 'true' value.

default = 0.0