Table of Contents


The general parameters of the torque control strategy while the turbine is operating at less than its rated power. These are used to determine steady-state conditions, such as the initial conditions for a time-domain simulation.

  • OptimalModeGain: number (rad)
  • MinimumGeneratorSpeed: number (rad/s)
  • GeneratorSpeedVsGeneratorTorque: array[object (GeneratorSpeedVsGeneratorTorque)]


OptimalModeGain: number (rad), optional

The ratio between the generator torque demand and the square of the measured generator speed.

MinimumGeneratorSpeed: number (rad/s), optional

The minimum speed at which the generator will be producing power and thus apply a generator torque.

GeneratorSpeedVsGeneratorTorque: array[ object (GeneratorSpeedVsGeneratorTorque) ], optional

A look-up table of the generator torque demand vs the measured generator speed. The table must extend up to FullLoadOperation.GeneratorSpeed which is the range Bladed will use.