Table of Contents


The mass properties of the nacelle and all of its contents, such as the generator or drivetrain.

  • TotalMass: number (kg)
  • CentreOfGravity: object (Vector3D)
  • MomentOfInertia: object (DrivetrainAndNacelleMomentOfInertia)


TotalMass: number (kg)

The total mass of the nacelle and all of its contents, such as the generator or drivetrain.

CentreOfGravity: object(Vector3D)

The centre of gravity of the nacelle and all of its contents, such as the generator or drivetrain. This is measured relative to the component's origin (usually the yaw bearing or tower top).

MomentOfInertia: object(DrivetrainAndNacelleMomentOfInertia), optional

The total moment of inertias of the nacelle and all of its contents, such as the generator or drivetrain.