Table of Contents


A tower can where all of the physical properties are explicitly provided.

  • TowerCanType: string = ExplicitTowerCan
  • Modelling: object (TowerCanModelling)
  • CanHeight: number (m)
  • BaseSection: object (TowerCanPropertiesExplicit)
  • TopSection: object (TowerCanPropertiesExplicitWhereDifferent)

A type of TowerCan


Modelling: object(TowerCanModelling), optionalcoming soon

Parameters controlling the way the can will be modelled by Bladed.

CanHeight: number (m), optional

The height of the tower can, assuming that it is mounted vertically.

TowerCanType: string

Defines the specific type of TowerCan model in use. For a ExplicitTowerCan object, this must always be set to a value of ExplicitTowerCan.

BaseSection: object(TowerCanPropertiesExplicit)

The properties at the base of the tower can.

TopSection: object(TowerCanPropertiesExplicitWhereDifferent), optional

The properties at the top of the tower can. If this is not defined, it will be assumed that the section is constant for the entire length. If any individual parameter of the TopSection is omitted, then it will be assumed to be the same as in the BaseSection.