Table of Contents

MeasuredSignalProperties coming soon

Not supported yet

The noise and transducer properties for those signals representing values coming from a physical sensor.

  • RandomNumberSeed: integer
  • TurnOffNoise: boolean
  • ShaftPowerSignals: object (SignalPropertiesPower)
  • RotorSpeedSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)
  • ElectricalPowerOutputSignals: object (SignalPropertiesPower)
  • GeneratorSpeedSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)
  • GeneratorTorqueSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • YawBearingAngularPositionSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • YawBearingAngularVelocitySignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)
  • YawBearingAngularAccelerationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)
  • YawMotorRateSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)
  • YawErrorSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • NacelleAngleFromNorthSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • TowerTopForeAftAccelerationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAcceleration)
  • TowerTopSideSideAccelerationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAcceleration)
  • ShaftTorqueSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • YawBearingMySignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • YawBearingMzSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • NacelleRollAngleSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • NacelleNoddingAngleSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • NacelleRollAccelerationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)
  • NacelleNoddingAccelerationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)
  • NacelleYawAccelerationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)
  • RotorAzimuthAngleSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • NominalHubFlowSpeedSignals: object (SignalPropertiesVelocity)
  • RotatingHubMySignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • RotatingHubMzSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • FixedHubMySignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • FixedHubMzSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • FixedHubFxSignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • FixedHubFySignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • FixedHubFzSignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • PitchAngleSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • PitchRateSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)
  • PitchActuatorTorqueSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • PitchBearingFrictionSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • PitchBearingStictionSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • BladeOutOfPlaneBendingMomentSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • BladeInPlaneBendingMomentSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • PitchBearingMxSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • PitchBearingMySignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • PitchBearingMzSignals: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)
  • PitchBearingRadialForceSignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • PitchBearingAxialForceSignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • PitchBearingFxSignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • PitchBearingFySignals: object (SignalPropertiesForce)
  • BladeStationWindSpeedSignals: object (SignalPropertiesVelocity)
  • BladeStationAngleOfAttackSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • AileronAngleSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • AileronRateSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)
  • BladeStationPositionXSignals: object (SignalPropertiesLength)
  • BladeStationPositionYSignals: object (SignalPropertiesLength)
  • BladeStationPositionZSignals: object (SignalPropertiesLength)
  • BladeStationPositionXRotationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • BladeStationPositionYRotationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • BladeStationPositionZRotationSignals: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)
  • LidarBeamFocalPointVelocitySignals: object (SignalPropertiesVelocity)


RandomNumberSeed: integer, optionalcoming soon

A seed for the random number generator to ensure that subsequent runs have identical noise signatures.

default = 0

TurnOffNoise: boolean, optionalcoming soon

This allows the noise to be turned off globally. Note: this turns off noise, but keeps discretisation, sampling time, faults and transducer behaviour.

default = False

ShaftPowerSignals: object(SignalPropertiesPower), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

RotorSpeedSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

ElectricalPowerOutputSignals: object(SignalPropertiesPower), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

GeneratorSpeedSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

GeneratorTorqueSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawBearingAngularPositionSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawBearingAngularVelocitySignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawBearingAngularAccelerationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawMotorRateSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawErrorSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NacelleAngleFromNorthSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

TowerTopForeAftAccelerationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAcceleration), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

TowerTopSideSideAccelerationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAcceleration), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

ShaftTorqueSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawBearingMySignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

YawBearingMzSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NacelleRollAngleSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NacelleNoddingAngleSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NacelleRollAccelerationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NacelleNoddingAccelerationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NacelleYawAccelerationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

RotorAzimuthAngleSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

NominalHubFlowSpeedSignals: object(SignalPropertiesVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

RotatingHubMySignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

RotatingHubMzSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

FixedHubMySignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

FixedHubMzSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

FixedHubFxSignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

FixedHubFySignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

FixedHubFzSignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchAngleSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchRateSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchActuatorTorqueSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingFrictionSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingStictionSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeOutOfPlaneBendingMomentSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeInPlaneBendingMomentSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingMxSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingMySignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingMzSignals: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingRadialForceSignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingAxialForceSignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingFxSignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

PitchBearingFySignals: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationWindSpeedSignals: object(SignalPropertiesVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationAngleOfAttackSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

AileronAngleSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

AileronRateSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationPositionXSignals: object(SignalPropertiesLength), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationPositionYSignals: object(SignalPropertiesLength), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationPositionZSignals: object(SignalPropertiesLength), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationPositionXRotationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationPositionYRotationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

BladeStationPositionZRotationSignals: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.

LidarBeamFocalPointVelocitySignals: object(SignalPropertiesVelocity), optionalcoming soon

The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.