MeasuredSignalProperties coming soon
Not supported yet
The noise and transducer properties for those signals representing values coming from a physical sensor.
: integerRandomNumberSeed
: booleanTurnOffNoise
: object (SignalPropertiesPower)ShaftPowerSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)RotorSpeedSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesPower)ElectricalPowerOutputSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)GeneratorSpeedSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)GeneratorTorqueSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)YawBearingAngularPositionSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)YawBearingAngularVelocitySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)YawBearingAngularAccelerationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)YawMotorRateSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)YawErrorSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)NacelleAngleFromNorthSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAcceleration)TowerTopForeAftAccelerationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAcceleration)TowerTopSideSideAccelerationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)ShaftTorqueSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)YawBearingMySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)YawBearingMzSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)NacelleRollAngleSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)NacelleNoddingAngleSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)NacelleRollAccelerationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)NacelleNoddingAccelerationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration)NacelleYawAccelerationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)RotorAzimuthAngleSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesVelocity)NominalHubFlowSpeedSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)RotatingHubMySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)RotatingHubMzSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)FixedHubMySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)FixedHubMzSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)FixedHubFxSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)FixedHubFySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)FixedHubFzSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)PitchAngleSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)PitchRateSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)PitchActuatorTorqueSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)PitchBearingFrictionSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)PitchBearingStictionSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)BladeOutOfPlaneBendingMomentSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)BladeInPlaneBendingMomentSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)PitchBearingMxSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)PitchBearingMySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesMoment)PitchBearingMzSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)PitchBearingRadialForceSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)PitchBearingAxialForceSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)PitchBearingFxSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesForce)PitchBearingFySignals
: object (SignalPropertiesVelocity)BladeStationWindSpeedSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)BladeStationAngleOfAttackSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)AileronAngleSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity)AileronRateSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesLength)BladeStationPositionXSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesLength)BladeStationPositionYSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesLength)BladeStationPositionZSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)BladeStationPositionXRotationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)BladeStationPositionYRotationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesAngle)BladeStationPositionZRotationSignals
: object (SignalPropertiesVelocity)LidarBeamFocalPointVelocitySignals
: integer, optionalcoming soon
A seed for the random number generator to ensure that subsequent runs have identical noise signatures.
default = 0
: boolean, optionalcoming soon
This allows the noise to be turned off globally. Note: this turns off noise, but keeps discretisation, sampling time, faults and transducer behaviour.
default = False
: object(SignalPropertiesPower), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesPower), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAcceleration), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAcceleration), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesMoment), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesForce), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngularVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesLength), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesLength), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesLength), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesAngle), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.
: object(SignalPropertiesVelocity), optionalcoming soon
The real-world properties and faults of the signal that the controller receives. This can be used to add noise, lags, and faults to the signal as the controller would see them.