Table of Contents

SignalPropertiesAngularAcceleration coming soon

Not supported yet

  • SignalQuality: string = Raw | Transducer | Measured
  • SignalNoise: string = None | Uniform | Gaussian
  • NoiseMagnitude: number
  • SamplingPeriod: number (s)
  • DiscretisationStep: number
  • Transducer: object (a type of TransducerBehaviour)
  • NoiseMagnitude: number (rad/s²)
  • DiscretisationStep: number (rad/s²)
  • TransducerFaults: object (TransducerFaultsAngularAcceleration)


SignalQuality: string, optionalcoming soon

The representation of the signal quality - whether it has transducer lag and signal noise.

default = Raw

SignalNoise: string, optionalcoming soon

The type of noise on the measured signal.

default = None

NoiseMagnitude: number, optionalcoming soon

The magnitude of the signal noise.

default = 0.0

SamplingPeriod: number (s), optionalcoming soon

The time step at which the input (continuous) signal is discretised at.

default = 0.0

DiscretisationStep: number, optionalcoming soon

The intervals at which values can be represented.

default = 0.0

Transducer: object (a type of TransducerBehaviour), optional coming soon

Defines the dynamics of the transducer's response to the inputted simulated value.

Can be any of the following types:

NoiseMagnitude: number (rad/s²), optionalcoming soon

The magnitude of the signal noise: the half-width for Uniform noise, and the standard deviation for Gaussian noise.

default = 0.0

DiscretisationStep: number (rad/s²), optionalcoming soon

The intervals at which values can be represented.

default = 0.0

TransducerFaults: object(TransducerFaultsAngularAcceleration)coming soon

Allows the representation of faults on the measurement sensor.