Table of Contents


A blade section definition which define the geometric, structural, aerodynamic, and mass properties of the blade.

  • IsBladePartBoundaryAtThisSection: boolean
  • AxesAndCoordinateSystems: object (BladeSectionAxesAndCoordinateSystems)
  • StructuralProperties: object (BladeSectionStructuralProperties)
  • AerodynamicProperties: object (BladeSectionAerodynamicProperties)
  • MassProperties: object (BladeSectionMassProperties)


IsBladePartBoundaryAtThisSection: boolean, optional

If true, the blade will be split into parts at this section.

default = False

AxesAndCoordinateSystems: object(BladeSectionAxesAndCoordinateSystems)

Definitions of the various axis systems used on the blade. Any coordinate system which is omitted will be assumed to be the same as the reference one. This means that any of the coordinate systems could be used as the reference if wished.

StructuralProperties: object(BladeSectionStructuralProperties), optional

The structural properties of the blade section. These are all oriented in the NeutralAxesCoordinateSystem, but the ShearAxis is used to interpret the shear and torsion stiffnesses and cross-coupling terms.

AerodynamicProperties: object(BladeSectionAerodynamicProperties)

The aerodynamic properties of the blade section. These are all provided in the QuarterChordCoordinateSystem, which both locates and orients the aerofoil section.

MassProperties: object(BladeSectionMassProperties), optional

The mass properties at the section, expressed per unit length where appropriate. These are defined in the mass axis system.