Table of Contents


A drivetrain component. This includes the gearbox; all shafts and brakes right up to the hub centre; the mainframe of the nacelle; all fairings and ancilliary items on the nacelle. It excludes the generator.

  • ComponentType: string = DrivetrainAndNacelle
  • PositionOfHubCentre: object (PositionOfHubCentre)
  • NacelleCover: object (NacelleCover)
  • MassProperties: object (DrivetrainAndNacelleMassProperties)
  • Sensors: object (NacelleSensors)
  • ShaftBrakes: array[object (a type of Brake)]
  • GearboxRatio: number
  • GearboxInertia: number (kgrad²)
  • SlippingClutch: object (SlippingClutch)
  • HighSpeedShaftTorsion: object (HighSpeedShaftFlexibility)
  • MountingFlexibility: object (PalletMountingFlexibility)
  • LowSpeedShaft: object (LowSpeedShaft)
  • Losses: object (MechanicalLosses)
  • OutputGroups: object (DrivetrainOutputGroupLibrary)
  • ConnectableNodes: object (DrivetrainConnectableNodes)

A type of Component


ComponentType: string

Defines the specific type of Component model in use. For a DrivetrainAndNacelle object, this must always be set to a value of DrivetrainAndNacelle.

PositionOfHubCentre: object(PositionOfHubCentre)

The positioning of the hub centre. The hub centre is the nominal point where all of the pitch axes intercept the axis of rotation, if any sweep is ignored.

NacelleCover: object(NacelleCover), optional

The details of the nacelle's cover, which affects its drag characteristics.

MassProperties: object(DrivetrainAndNacelleMassProperties), optional

The mass properties of the nacelle and all of its contents, such as the generator or drivetrain.

Sensors: object(NacelleSensors), optionalcoming soon

A library of sensors that the controller has access to. The details of exactly where the sensors are will be unavailable if the component is encrypted, but other users will be able to see and reference the sensors by their name.

ShaftBrakes: object (a type of Brake), optional

Definitions for the brakes on the various shafts of the drivetrain.

Can be any of the following types:

GearboxRatio: number

The ratio of the high speed shaft (connected to the generator) to the low speed shaft (connected to the hub). Negative values cause the low-speed shaft and high-speed shaft to rotate in opposite directions.

GearboxInertia: number (kgrad²)

The total rotational inertia of the gearbox, referred to the high speed side.

SlippingClutch: object(SlippingClutch), optional

The parameters defining the slipping clutch on the high-speed shaft.

HighSpeedShaftTorsion: object(HighSpeedShaftFlexibility), optional

The parameters defining the high-speed shaft'f torsional flexibility.

MountingFlexibility: object(PalletMountingFlexibility), optional

The parameters defining the flexibility of the drivetrain mounting.

LowSpeedShaft: object(LowSpeedShaft), optional

The low speed shaft bending definition.

Losses: object(MechanicalLosses), optional

Definitions of the mechanical losses in the drivetrain.

OutputGroups: object(DrivetrainOutputGroupLibrary), optionalcoming soon

A library of output regimes which can be referenced by the simulation. The details of what will be output will be unavailable if the component is encrypted, but other users will be able to see and reference the output group names.

ConnectableNodes: object(DrivetrainConnectableNodes), optionalcoming soon

A library of nodes that other components can attach to. These will be used to build the model, and can be referenced by the Assembly. The details of what the nodes actually represent (such as their internal node names) will be unavailable if the component is encrypted, but other users will be able to see and reference the nodes by their name.